Japanese 1
1st year high school Japanese or 1st semester of 1st year college level Japanese
- Class hours: Approx. 75 hours
Majority of time is spent synchronously with live teacher – student instruction with additional on-demand instructional videos. - Recommended college credit: 5 semester hours
Course Objectives and Description
Japanese 1 is designed for beginners to establish a foundation of the Japanese language. This course emphasizes on improving conversation skills, including pronunciation and the Japanese writing systems; Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.
At the end of the course a student will be able to:
- Read Hiragana and Katakana
- Read and write 66 basic Kanji
- Vocabulary - 151 words
- Understand Japanese basic sentence structure.
- Express actions in easy conversation during their daily life situations.
- Introduce himself/herself
- Go shopping
- Ask friends to hang out.
- Explain the condition of things, how they look
- Express the reason of one’s action
- Tell one’s wishes and hopes to others
The original digital textbook by KCP Japan will be used.
{Person} wa {noun} desu / janai desu.
Demonstrative pronouns
Kore / sore / are
Kono / sono / ano
Kore wa …desu
Kore wa watashi no kaban desu
Location determiner and prepositions
Koko / soko / asoko
Koko wa kyooshitsu desu
Kore wa amerika no tokei desu
Price (yen)
        {number} ji {number} fun/pun desu
Days of the week
Month and Date
Ikimasu / kimasu / kaerimasu (future, present and past tenses)
Densha de Kyoto e ikimasu
Person, time, and verb
Tomodachi to Kyoto e ikimasu
Raishuu Kyoto e ikimasu
Ichi-ji kara san-ji made benkyoo shimasu
Roku-ji ni okimasu.
Object and verb. Place and verb.
Maiasa ringo wo tabemasu
Kooen de hirugohan wo tabemasu
Extend an invitation
Issho ni eiga wo mimasen ka?
Adjectives 1 NA-adjective
Adjectives 2 I-adjective
Particle De - tool/means
Nihongo de meeru wo kakimasu
Adjectives 3
~ ga suki desu
~ ga joozu desu
Agemasu / moraimasu
Wakarimasu (understand)
Arimasu (have)
Wishes and hopes.
~ ga hoshii desu
~ tai desu
~ kara (Reason)
{Person} wa {noun} desu / janai desu.
Demonstrative pronouns
Kore / sore / are
Kono / sono / ano
Kore wa …desu
Kore wa watashi no kaban desu
Location determiner and prepositions
Koko / soko / asoko
Koko wa kyooshitsu desu
Kore wa amerika no tokei desu
Price (yen)
        {number} ji {number} fun/pun desu
Days of the week
Month and Date
Ikimasu / kimasu / kaerimasu (future, present and past tenses)
Densha de Kyoto e ikimasu
Person, time, and verb
Tomodachi to Kyoto e ikimasu
Raishuu Kyoto e ikimasu
Ichi-ji kara san-ji made benkyoo shimasu
Roku-ji ni okimasu.
Object and verb. Place and verb.
Maiasa ringo wo tabemasu
Kooen de hirugohan wo tabemasu
Extend an invitation
Issho ni eiga wo mimasen ka?
Adjectives 1 NA-adjective
Adjectives 2 I-adjective
Particle De - tool/means
Nihongo de meeru wo kakimasu
Adjectives 3
~ ga suki desu
~ ga joozu desu
Agemasu / moraimasu
Wakarimasu (understand)
Arimasu (have)
Wishes and hopes.
~ ga hoshii desu
~ tai desu
~ kara (Reason)
Weekly Schedule
for Japanese 1

Are you enthusiastic about learning the Japanese language?
Are you a high school sophomore, junior, senior or home schooler, and have a high speed internet and printer?